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job analysis 企業工種分析學〔研究各工種的操作、勞動條件、工人技術水準...

job bank

In order to strengthen the realization of general strategic goal of hongta group , and establish a scientific , standard and reasonable human resource management system , it starts with job analysis , takes the practical situation of no . l production department into account and collects the related information through questionnaires method and interviews method , the article makes a deep analysis on those and introduces a volume of job descriptions for no . 1 production department , and provides a kind of approach to make a proper job analysis in hr management 為了配合紅塔集團總體戰略目標的實現,加強集團人力資源管理的科學化、規范化、合理化。本文從人力資源管理中職務分析這一基礎性工作入手,結合紅塔集團生產一部的實情,運用問卷調查法和面談法收集整理出有關數據資料,通過科學的分析,得出一套切實可行的生產一部職務說明書,并由此提供了一種在人力資源管理中正確進行職務分析的方法。

So those leaders of the universities would be concerned with the reform more actively . secondly , from the operational aspect , this thesis discusses the problems found in carrying out the reform . during the study , some new measures will be introduced such as job analysis , job evaluation , and so on 其二,從操作層面上探討教育職員制改革的實際困難,提出學習公務員制度中有關的職位管理技術,對教育職員進行科學地職位分類,逐步建立相關的技術性操作指導,力爭解決教育職員制試行中的實際問題。

The writer , as the main member of the job analysis group of chengdu branch of tp life insurance co . ltd . , is in charge of the organization of job analysis , design of analysis flow , design of questionnaires and forms , training of involved employees , and the compilation of job instructions 筆者作為tp人壽保險有限公司成都分公司工作分析小組的骨干,承擔了整個工作分析的組織、程序設計、相關調查問卷、表格工具的設計、相關人員的指導與培訓工作以及工作說明書的整理成冊。

The author thinks that the administration in village could be analyzed by the way of fja ( function job analysis ) because of it covering many fields and having complicated content then it confirms diathesis , intelligence , ability , responsibility and achievement as factors of reward 筆者認為,由于村級工作人員的工作涉及面廣、內容繁雜,因此,可以采用功能性工作分析方法進行工作分析,確定出素質、智力、能力、責任、績效等五個付酬因素。

This includes carrying through job analysis , putting up characteristic performance evaluation system and making use of technology and approach to talent testing and performance management and employee training related 通過研究,得出結論:運用現代人力資源管理的技術和方法,可以使衡陽廣電的冗員裁減工作做到有理有據,在一定程度上避免主觀性,并推動衡陽廣電的人事管理向現代人力資源管理邁進。

The second part takes the sales department of cssc as an example , and there are six steps in this job analysis : target stage , preparation stage , investigation stage , analysis stage , application stage , and feedback stage Cssc公司銷售部的工作分析共分為六個階段:明確目標階段、準備階段,調查階段、分析整理階段、應用階段、反饋總結階段,最后提煉成《 cssc公司銷售部工作說明書匯編》 。

In th s thesis , the writer sets more emphasis on application and gets a lot of knowledge that has not been taught on class . and the experience that has been got from this job analysis is the most valuable wealth for the writer 在對cssc公司進行工作分析的過程中,筆者不僅鞏固了理論知識,而且學到了書本中所沒有的知識,這也正是筆者在這次工作分析實踐中的最大收獲。

The research findings in this dissertation includes : first , it demonstrates the research method of using job analysis to conclude the position characteristics and perform position classification is available and believable 本文的研究成果包括:一、說明了從工作分析著手,以崗位特征歸納和問卷訪談為手段,以崗位知識含量分級為基礎這一技術路線是可行的。

The third part discusses the application of job analysis , especially the job evaluation for salary design in sales department . the forth part talks about the advantages and disadvantages of this job analysis 第四部分是對cssc公司銷售部的工作分析進行總結,內容涉及本次工作分析的作用、工作分析的不足以及筆者在工作分析實踐中所獲得的啟發。

While job analysis data may be collected from incumbents through interviews or questionnaires , the product of the analysis is a description or specifications of the job , not a description of the person 工作分析的一些數據資料往往通過面試者或者調查問卷收集而來,工作分析的衍生品就是職務描述和崗位說明,而不是人的描述。

It concludes questionnaire diagnoses before the design of salary , the analysis of salary satisfaction , the job analysis . the organization structure has been optimized and adjusted by combining with the job analysis 薪酬體系設計前的問卷調查,薪酬滿意度的分析,工作分析,結合工作分析對公司組織結構進行優化調整。

Job analysis and design ; human resource planning ; recruitment & selection ; training and development , and career planning ; performance appraisal ; managing employee relations ; human resource auditing 職業分析和設計;人力資源計劃;招聘和擇業;培訓和發展,職業生涯計劃;素質評估;雇員關系管理;人力資源審計。

In the study of job analysis , the principle and method of job analysis to administrative staff is carried out , and the work of different administrative staff to concrete enterprise is analyzed 在工作分析的研究中,確定了對管理人員進行工作分析的原則和方法,并對具體企業不同管理人員的工作進行了分析。

A more important contribution of the writer is the introduction of 360 - degree job analysis method and the application of this method in the job analysis to perfect the original job instructions 更重要的是提出360度工作分析法并用此法對公司工作分析進行了再分析,完善修正了原工作說明書。

There are also some problems left in the research : the scope of correction in job analysis results is not large enough ; and the application of job analysis results is not exhaustive either 本研究也存在一些不足,主要是工作分析結果的修正面還較小;對于工作分析結果的運用還不夠深入。

In this model i have taken job analysis , evaluating employee performance , employee reward , employee trainings as the core contents because they are the mai 在這個模型中我將工作分析、績效評價、報酬系統、培訓系統作為核心內容,因為它們是設計和實施紡織企業人力資源系統的主線。

Job analysis is a process to establish and document the ' job relatedness ' of employment procedures such as training , selection , compensation , and performance appraisal 工作分析是對雇傭中的工作相關信息的建立和歸檔的過程,包括培訓,選拔,福利,績效評估等。

The researching results of the writer ' s job analysis have been applied into practical use as formal files in the management branch corporation 同時該工作分析研究的結果實施運用有效,得到了公司的認可,并作為分公司的規范性文件為公司的運作與發展提供幫助。

Training needs analysis - training plan enactment - training courses and lecturers choice - training budget - training effect feedback and evaluation job analysis - career design and layout 培訓需求分析-培訓計劃制定-培訓課程及講師選擇-培訓預算-培訓效果反饋與評估